1.   In a typical case, a traditional pension will provide a longtime employee with about half the money earned while working.

2.   My pension will provide roughly a third of my salary at the time of retirement, and I will be eligible for Social Security.

3.   My pension will provide modest cost-of-living increases.

4.   Not only do pensions provide financial security for members and retirees, they are a key selling point every time a union tries to organize new members.

n. + provide >>共 1658
company 4.80%
government 3.29%
law 1.57%
report 1.52%
program 1.33%
bill 1.32%
official 1.24%
agreement 1.18%
system 1.03%
state 0.96%
pension 0.02%
pension + v. >>共 76
be 40.89%
plan 4.89%
fund 2.67%
increase 2.67%
go 2.22%
rise 2.22%
have 1.78%
provide 1.78%
continue 1.33%
cover 1.33%
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