1.   All penguin rookeries are littered with abandoned eggs and dead chicks.

2.   Passengers will visit penguin rookeries, seal colonies and abandoned whaling stations and research bases.

3.   In addition to the South Pole fights, it also organizes mountain climbing expeditions and visits to penguin rookeries.

4.   Current satellite images show a large iceberg remains wedged against Ross Island -- site of several large penguin rookeries.

5.   The party then flew to Cape Royds to inspect the Nimrod Hut of British explorer Ernest Shackleton and visit a penguin rookery.

n. + rookery >>共 7
penguin 41.67%
bird 16.67%
egret 8.33%
heron 8.33%
pterosaur 8.33%
seabird 8.33%
seal 8.33%
penguin + n. >>共 64
coach 6.92%
colony 6.92%
species 5.38%
owner 4.62%
manager 4.62%
rookery 3.85%
exhibit 3.08%
chick 3.08%
suit 3.08%
goalie 2.31%
每页显示:    共 5