1.   Nonspecialists are often reluctant to diagnose depression, which can produce symptoms ranging from insomnia to pelvic pain, Thompson says.

2.   As a result, those at risk are not screened or treated, leading in many cases to reproductive cancers, chronic pelvic pain, sterility and spontaneous abortions.

3.   But when fibroids become very large, cause severe pelvic pain or pressure or cause abnormal bleeding, a hysterectomy may be necessary, Dr. Barbieri said.

4.   Fibroids are benign growths inside the uterus that can cause pelvic pain, heavy bleeding and other symptoms that can make sex unpleasant.

5.   He said many of the worst abuses were hysterectomies performed for nonspecific, chronic pelvic pain.

6.   Pelvic pain, sexual dysfunction and depression can be other side effects.

7.   They can cause pelvic pain, heavy bleeding and other symptoms that can make sexual intercourse unpleasant.

8.   This growth of uterine lining tissue outside the uterus can cause severe pelvic pain.

9.   Women suffer disproportionately from complications associated with sexually transmitted diseases, from chronic pelvic pain to infertility and cervical cancer.

10.   Left untreated, it can facilitate the spread of HIV and cause chronic pelvic pain and infertility.

a. + pain >>共 598
back 12.97%
abdominal 5.92%
severe 5.31%
great 5.05%
chronic 4.54%
joint 2.63%
sharp 2.37%
physical 1.96%
economic 1.93%
excruciating 1.81%
pelvic 0.34%
pelvic + n. >>共 51
bone 12.33%
injury 9.25%
area 6.17%
pain 6.17%
thrust 6.17%
exam 5.29%
floor 4.85%
muscle 4.41%
infection 3.52%
ileal 3.08%
每页显示:    共 14