1.   The problem of copyright exerts peculiar anomalies.

2.   This is a peculiar anomaly in that the Transfer Regulations currently exclude undertakings in the nature of commercial ventures.

3.   One peculiar anomaly was the border between Germany and Denmark, which is not a member of the Schengen group.

a. + anomaly >>共 122
statistical 6.63%
apparent 5.10%
genetic 3.06%
seasonal 3.06%
curious 2.55%
magnetic 2.55%
historical 2.04%
peculiar 2.04%
seeming 2.04%
legal 1.53%
peculiar + n. >>共 505
way 4.77%
thing 2.60%
form 1.63%
circumstance 1.52%
problem 1.19%
nature 1.19%
kind 1.19%
position 0.98%
mix 0.87%
taste 0.87%
anomaly 0.43%
每页显示:    共 4