1.   Fresh pear flavors and lingering citrus overtones make it a perfect apertif or accompaniment to grilled vegetables.

2.   Good Devoes have sweet ivory flesh with a deep pear flavor.

3.   Mild pear flavor with lots of oak, toasted caramel on the finish.

4.   Packed with creamy vanilla and ripe pear flavors, it finishes with richness, length, balance and breed.

n. + flavor >>共 225
fruit 11.68%
corn 3.39%
butter 3.01%
apple 3.01%
berry 2.45%
lemon 2.45%
tea 2.45%
anise 2.07%
onion 2.07%
licorice 1.88%
pear 0.75%
pear + n. >>共 53
tree 31.25%
half 6.94%
puree 4.86%
slice 4.86%
tart 4.17%
flavor 2.78%
shape 2.78%
mixture 2.78%
date 2.08%
juice 2.08%
每页显示:    共 4