1.   Falun Gong followers say it is a peaceful meditation movement that builds health.

2.   Falun Gong followers say it is a peaceful meditation movement and that hundreds of followers have died as a result of police abuse and torture during the Chinese crackdown.

3.   Falun Gong followers say it is a peaceful meditation movement that builds health and happiness.

4.   Falun Gong followers say they practice peaceful meditation movements that builds health and happiness.

a. + meditation >>共 121
silent 7.29%
popular 4.17%
daily 3.65%
quiet 2.60%
peaceful 2.08%
guided 2.08%
chinese 2.08%
private 2.08%
religious 2.08%
light 1.56%
peaceful + n. >>共 578
solution 12.12%
settlement 7.61%
protest 6.19%
resolution 5.06%
demonstration 5.06%
mean 3.36%
purpose 3.32%
end 3.17%
use 2.04%
transition 1.98%
meditation 0.09%
每页显示:    共 4