1.   Peace protesters broke into the Administration building and occupied it for six days.

2.   PEACE protesters in Dublin are planning to bring their message to Scotland later this year, after the Irish Republican Army attacks in Warrington at the weekend.

3.   It had been left the previous afternoon by a small group of peace protesters who had rushed the church for a sit-in.

4.   Palestinians responded with rocks and Israeli peace protesters set up camp on the rubble-strewn lot next door.

5.   Peace protesters demonstrated at federal buildings, but most Angelenos, including members of Sikh and Hindu temples, approve of the war to wipe out terrorism.

6.   So far, Foley said, peace protesters have been greeted with tolerance.

7.   He accused police of provoking the riot with a violent response to peace protesters.

8.   LeMoyne exchanged handshakes and hugs with rebel leaders, then walked over to peace protesters, jubilantly lifted a small girl and kissed her on the cheek.

9.   They were encircled by peace protesters, many of whom screamed abuse and thrust placards in their faces.

n. + protester >>共 133
student 38.31%
anti-globalization 8.00%
opposition 6.31%
abortion 5.23%
right 3.23%
tax 3.08%
woman 2.62%
war 1.85%
peace 1.38%
campus 1.23%
peace + n. >>共 152
process 21.79%
talk 20.97%
agreement 8.83%
accord 7.96%
plan 5.27%
treaty 4.34%
negotiation 4.26%
deal 3.88%
effort 3.46%
force 2.21%
protester 0.02%
每页显示:    共 9