1.   Many of the invoices for those goods are settled by payments that flow electronically between banks in Hong Kong and their counterparts in mainland China.

2.   The airline said the payment settled a claim filed by the family of Susan Taraskiewicz before the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination.

3.   The payment would settle a lawsuit brought against the family by the company.

4.   The payments settle lawsuits originally filed by former laboratory employees under a federal law that lets whistleblowers share in the proceeds of suits that uncover fraud against the government.

5.   The payment settles a civil lawsuit filed by the separatist, Randall Weaver, and his three surviving daughters.

6.   The payment settled a Super Bowl wager with Atlanta Congressman John R. Lewis.

7.   The payment settles a civil lawsuit filed by the separatist, Randall C. Weaver, and his three surviving daughters.

8.   The payment settles claims by the separatist, Randall C. Weaver, and his three surviving daughters.

9.   The payment settles the claims against Bear Stearns brought by the trustee appointed to liquidate A.R. Baron.

10.   These payments have settled all potential claims against him.

n. + settle >>共 805
dust 7.01%
company 5.44%
family 2.86%
side 2.62%
future 1.85%
government 1.53%
party 1.33%
agreement 1.17%
firm 1.13%
people 1.05%
payment 0.40%
payment + v. >>共 268
be 43.32%
come 3.75%
go 2.86%
begin 2.52%
have 1.98%
make 1.57%
cover 1.16%
rise 1.09%
stop 1.02%
help 0.95%
settle 0.68%
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