1.   At that time, advocates of property rights sought legislation that would require the government to pay landowners for any loss of property values attributed to federal regulations.

2.   Environmentalists say that proposal means the government will have to pay landowners not to pollute.

3.   Finally, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has developed the first government program that pays landowners to institute management practices to protect rare and endangered species.

4.   For example, the federal government could pay landowners to maintain habitat, said Russ Hyer, regional executive of the National Wildlife Federation.

5.   It has not been determined how much landowners will be paid for the flooded property.

6.   It would also require the government to pay landowners if a wetland designation reduced property values.

7.   It would pay landowners who agree to keep wetlands out of production.

8.   Typically, the utilities have paid landowners in the United States and in developing nations to manage timberlands instead of harvesting them.

9.   Also, landowners would be paid for property value losses resulting from environmental laws.

10.   The Japanese government pays the landowners rent, which is kept roughly in line with the value of similar property off base.

v. + landowner >>共 66
compensate 17.57%
pay 7.43%
force 6.08%
represent 4.73%
protect 4.73%
favor 2.70%
target 2.70%
block 2.03%
add 2.03%
allow 2.03%
pay + n. >>共 447
attention 14.35%
tax 6.46%
bill 5.37%
price 4.94%
tribute 3.61%
fee 2.82%
dividend 2.75%
money 2.25%
fine 2.25%
ransom 1.76%
landowner 0.04%
每页显示:    共 11