1.   An increased police and military presence will patrol the city tonight as well, the presidency said.

2.   And though the police force has begun to patrol the city, the factions themselves have yet to withdraw.

3.   A nationwide police strike briefly left army troops patrolling major cities.

4.   But soon, the forces are expected to patrol the city in teams, and alongside Afghan soldiers.

5.   Civil affairs are governed by Palestinians but the Israeli military still patrols the city.

6.   In recent weeks, other attacks have been prevented by informers calling the special telephone number that is painted on the ubiquitous police Land Rovers that patrol the city.

7.   More and more soldiers seemed to be shedding their uniforms, with some units patrolling the city carrying their military-issue rifles and dressed in civilian clothes.

8.   NATO aircraft struck Thursday at Serbian targets near Sarajevo after U.N. troops patrolling the city came under Serbian machine-gun and rocket fire.

9.   One American was reported wounded in a short, sharp firefight in the northern city of Cap-Haitien that erupted as marines patrolled the city.

10.   Soldiers patrolled the city Wednesday, but there was no apparent escalation of military presence in the streets.

v. + city >>共 1015
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flee 3.10%
visit 2.90%
sue 1.75%
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patrol 1.30%
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build 1.13%
patrol + n. >>共 318
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city 3.69%
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ground 1.90%
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