1.   In the Antarctic waters where it swims, its name is Patagonian toothfish.

2.   Ripert has boycotted swordfish, and he no longer serves Patagonian toothfish.

3.   Marine authorities estimate that the pirate fishermen are taking twice the legal limit of Patagonian toothfish.

4.   Modern day pirates poaching in Antarctic waters are threatening the Patagonian toothfish and wild sea birds such as the albatross, Hill said.

5.   Officials said they were concerned about the Patagonian toothfish, citing numerous reports of fishing vessels in the zone illegally since last year.

6.   The Australian navy has seized two fishing boats suspected of poaching the valuable Patagonian toothfish in sub-Antarctic waters, the defense minister said Tuesday.

7.   The French navy has seized another boat illegally fishing for Patagonian toothfish in sub-Antarctic waters, a fishing group said Wednesday.

8.   Earlier this month they got in some practice by apprehending two Russian vessels allegedly poaching Patagonian toothfish in the icy Southern Ocean, he said.

9.   This technique has been used to identify and differentiate between other species in similar disputes, such as the Patagonian toothfish and the grunter, a popular KwaZulu-Natal fish.

10.   Patagonian toothfish commands high prices in international fish markets, particularly in Japan and the United States.

a. + toothfish >>共 9
patagonian 40.63%
antarctic 25.00%
prized 9.38%
valuable 9.38%
endangered 3.13%
fished 3.13%
illegal 3.13%
legal 3.13%
older 3.13%
patagonian + n. >>共 12
toothfish 52.00%
cavy 8.00%
badlands 4.00%
embryo 4.00%
lenga 4.00%
peninsula 4.00%
plateau 4.00%
region 4.00%
skull 4.00%
steppe 4.00%
每页显示:    共 13