1.   The Brougham School pupil is receiving lessons from John Hall, of the Brush and Palette Studio in Tower Street, Hartlepool, in the technique of pastel drawing.

2.   In a studio in his home in Yonkers, he turns his sketches into paintings and pastel drawings.

3.   Then early this summer, six years after acquiring it herself, Mathes showed the pastel drawing to Jane Myers, curator of collections at the Amon Carter.

4.   York subsequently purchased much of the work in the trunk, including the pastel drawing destined for Fort Worth.

a. + drawing >>共 336
composite 4.16%
random 3.51%
architectural 2.86%
original 2.86%
detailed 2.73%
charcoal 2.34%
crude 1.95%
early 1.95%
technical 1.82%
pen-and-ink 1.43%
pastel 0.52%
pastel + n. >>共 156
shade 10.73%
color 9.69%
colour 2.77%
suit 2.42%
dress 2.08%
house 1.73%
hue 1.73%
curtain 1.38%
drawing 1.38%
wall 1.38%
每页显示:    共 4