1.   Arizona is in the grip of one of its most severe dry spells of the past century.

2.   But over the past century we have made it into a rubbish dump.

3.   In most you will find intact the bones of Easter islanders who entered their spirit world centuries past.

4.   In past centuries these led to considerable artistry in the devising of labyrinths and mazes.

5.   In the past century the institutions and the external stimuli affecting the relation between finance and industry have been chopped and changed.

6.   Knightly warfare, if it no longer enjoyed the supremacy of past centuries, was far from dead.

7.   Learning Learning has been a major topic within academic psychology for the past century or so.

8.   Legacies Somerville has been enormously enriched over the past century by Somervillians remembering the College in their wills.

9.   Most people are unaware of the back-breaking, soul-destroying labor required in past centuries.

10.   Of course, in past centuries, no global news network existed to capture the anguish of the victims.

a. + century >>共 235
half 31.95%
new 15.72%
past 9.73%
double 2.24%
last 2.15%
coming 1.78%
maiden 1.69%
old 1.46%
american 1.33%
second 1.19%
past + n. >>共 434
year 24.95%
week 14.09%
month 8.81%
decade 7.27%
day 4.65%
season 4.62%
game 2.47%
couple 1.47%
weekend 0.86%
president 0.76%
century 0.68%
每页显示:    共 212