1.   No longer passive recipients of instruction, pupils are encouraged to be active collaborators in the learning process.

2.   Often they are organized by younger people who merely expect ageing members to be passive recipients of organized events.

3.   Simultaneously, women were conceptualised as the passive recipients of scientific manipulation.

4.   The directly concerned populations are invariably viewed as passive recipients of plans.

5.   These reformers, however, were not passive recipients of a message from on high.

6.   Underlying the sequence is a view of the learner as a relatively passive recipient of instruction.

7.   However, the railways are not passive recipients of such political pressure, but political actors and manipulators in their own right.

8.   And unlike each previous mass medium the Web does not require its audience to be merely passive recipients of information.

9.   E-mail messages have also made it possible to be a passive recipient of freshly minted medical discoveries.

a. + recipient >>共 263
largest 7.19%
first 6.26%
intended 5.98%
previous 5.42%
past 5.14%
the 2.80%
major 2.80%
third 2.61%
former 2.52%
top 2.52%
passive 1.40%
passive + n. >>共 297
investor 6.14%
role 5.86%
victim 2.65%
investment 2.51%
minority 2.23%
margin 2.09%
recipient 2.09%
smoke 1.95%
acceptance 1.81%
approach 1.67%
每页显示:    共 15