1.   Another three years later the passion had cooled somewhat but genuine affection remained.

2.   Although the Klan was broken and passions cooled, Watkins said he is discouraged by racial divisions that persist in Pike County.

3.   But in recent years, the passions had cooled considerably.

4.   For Israelis, the separation was welcomed as both a security measure and a way to allow passions to cool.

5.   Maybe passions will cool when the Jones suit fades from the front page.

6.   The offenders, he suggested, could more safely be brought to justice later, when passions have cooled.

7.   The study is also a time to let the passion cool and allow reason and discovery of faith to set in.

8.   The United States, still brokering, sought to delay the shameful vote until passions cooled.

9.   There was a time when the off-year between congressional elections was considered the period in which political passions cooled enough for serious work on legislation.

10.   After two weeks, passions have cooled.

n. + cool >>共 396
economy 8.05%
temper 3.41%
market 3.20%
cake 3.10%
mixture 2.68%
air 2.48%
weather 2.17%
rack 1.96%
passion 1.75%
temperature 1.65%
passion + v. >>共 184
be 40.25%
run 4.64%
cool 2.63%
seem 2.01%
begin 1.86%
remain 1.55%
take 1.39%
lead 1.24%
become 1.24%
die 1.24%
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