1.   The community radio stations remain silent as they wait for laws to be passed to allow them to operate.

2.   Under Augustus legislation was passed to allow freed slaves to Marry and their children to become Roman citizens.

3.   A separate bill could still be passed to allow the release of Amtrak money, congressional aides said.

4.   For the market to take off, Mexico may have to pass legislation allowing lenders clear access to property titles in the case of default.

5.   Legislatures in Kansas and Colorado passed bills allowing concealed handguns earlier this year, but their governors vetoed the bills.

6.   Looking to the future, Congress is soon likely to pass legislation allowing the regional Bell telephone companies to enter the long-distance business.

7.   The Missouri Legislature has passed measures allowing concealed weapons, but the bills have been vetoed by Gov. Mel Carnahan, a Democrat.

8.   While Democratic objections convinced some cities to opt out of the contest, still another obstacle has been a refusal by state legislatures to pass laws allowing the votes.

9.   A law has already passed to allow it, but the Clinton administration blocked its implementation, saying it was vague and full of loopholes.

10.   But when they passed a law allowing extradition to the United States, the governing coalition collapsed in October.

v. + allow >>共 404
say 6.05%
postpone 2.87%
suspend 2.18%
open 2.08%
close 1.88%
delay 1.78%
will 1.78%
pass 1.78%
be 1.68%
reach 1.39%
pass + v. >>共 203
unnotice 10.26%
allow 3.93%
protect 3.28%
make 2.84%
keep 1.97%
get 1.75%
open 1.75%
give 1.53%
be 1.53%
require 1.53%
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