1.   All sensory forms are affected by proximity and this is particularly noticeable amidst networks of lines.

2.   Churches are places where these prejudices are particularly noticeable.

3.   This is particularly noticeable in conifers such as yew, spruce or fir, where it makes the canopy increasingly lace-like or transparent.

4.   This is particularly noticeable with the anti-bacterial action of essences.

5.   This was particularly noticeable among the younger policemen, for whom this imagery seems to be a defining characteristic of their work.

6.   Further depolarisation of the membrane to non-physiological voltage caused a decrease in open probability that was particularly noticeable in four patches.

7.   One particularly noticeable development was the way in which each group defended its position in response to the queries and suggestions of other groups.

8.   Their height difference would be particularly noticeable.

d. + noticeable >>共 59
most 26.96%
more 14.26%
particularly 8.70%
barely 8.35%
less 7.65%
especially 4.35%
hardly 4.17%
very 3.13%
not 2.09%
immediately 1.91%
particularly + a. >>共 987
important 2.95%
vulnerable 2.69%
strong 2.65%
hard 2.39%
concerned 2.25%
difficult 2.04%
true 1.86%
good 1.84%
interested 1.79%
sensitive 1.74%
noticeable 0.37%
每页显示:    共 50