1.   A field-warehousing arrangement is particularly appropriate for financing seasonal inventory buildups.

2.   Electronic Marking is particularly appropriate on large courses, since it helps avoid the problems of managing the handing-in of work.

3.   However inversion would not appear to be particularly appropriate given the actual data involved in this case.

4.   I perceive him as a particularly appropriate model.

5.   It is particularly appropriate for social work practice with vulnerable elderly people.

6.   The method is particularly appropriate for assaying heavy metals such as lead in blood.

7.   The timing of the announcement was particularly appropriate.

8.   This might seem a particularly appropriate task for geographers although similar work has been the province of biologists, archaeologists and geologists.

d. + appropriate >>共 145
more 28.81%
most 13.65%
not 12.05%
only 4.30%
entirely 3.62%
particularly 3.29%
especially 1.68%
as 1.60%
perfectly 1.18%
how 1.10%
particularly + a. >>共 987
important 2.95%
vulnerable 2.69%
strong 2.65%
hard 2.39%
concerned 2.25%
difficult 2.04%
true 1.86%
good 1.84%
interested 1.79%
sensitive 1.74%
appropriate 0.29%
每页显示:    共 39