1.   Despite its claim to be an educational body, the Club could not escape the charge that it was taking an organized part in politics.

2.   Global will design and run separate Internet sites for each of the retailers taking part.

3.   The stricken train has already been decoupled and the operational part taken to the town of Folkestone at the tunnel entrance on the English side.

4.   The sources noted that only US arms deliveries had been suspended and not those of other countries which were taking part in the programme.

5.   Two puppies were mutilated and their body parts taken.

v. + take >>共 578
will 6.42%
resign 5.45%
be 4.96%
arrive 3.60%
use 2.77%
rush 2.38%
opt 2.33%
position 1.90%
return 1.85%
stop 1.75%
part 0.24%
part + v. >>共 26
reveal 16.28%
let 11.63%
take 11.63%
let_through 6.98%
write 4.65%
advertise 2.33%
coincide 2.33%
disgust 2.33%
establish 2.33%
form 2.33%
每页显示:    共 5