1.   President Bush issued controversial pardons to several key figures implicated in the Iran-contra scandal during the Reagan administration, and Nixon pardoned labor leader Jimmy Hoffa.

2.   Over the past two years, the government broke the back of the Khmer Rouge by pardoning leaders in exchange for ending the guerrilla war that followed their overthrow.

3.   But he and rival Premier Hun Sen are deeply divided over whether other Khmer Rouge leaders should be pardoned for turning over Pol Pot.

4.   Mobutu pardoned rebel leader Pierre Mulele and embraced him when he came home.

5.   Other Christian and Muslim militia leaders were effectively pardoned, and some now have senior government positions.

v. + leader >>共 959
meet 9.64%
arrest 3.95%
include 3.83%
accuse 3.12%
say 2.37%
kill 2.04%
have 1.32%
choose 1.28%
elect 1.27%
criticize 1.25%
pardon 0.06%
pardon + n. >>共 106
prisoner 5.33%
man 5.33%
journalist 4.44%
expression 4.00%
convict 4.00%
defendant 2.67%
woman 2.67%
criminal 2.22%
son 2.22%
four 2.22%
leader 2.22%
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