1.   Because paramedics can administer medicines that stabilize the heart more permanently, they must also arrive promptly, paramedics said.

2.   A paramedic said that on the ride to the hospital, Munoz nearly lost consciousness.

3.   A paramedic said two of the kids said they were asleep when the chase began but were badly frightened as it went on.

4.   But paramedics said what they found was far worse than what they had imagined.

5.   Paramedics said the governor remained nauseated and vomited during the six-minute trip to the hospital.

6.   Paramedics said Doris Guay probably died instantly.

7.   Paramedics said that other injuries, to residents and to two firefighters, were limited mostly to smoke inhalation, cuts and bruises.

8.   Paramedics said nine hitchhikers were injured, including one who was in serious condition, police said.

9.   Paramedics said one of the hijackers and a passenger were killed by gunfire.

10.   Paramedics said one soldier suffered serious injuries and the others were lightly hurt, including several who suffered from shock.

n. + say >>共 480
official 17.88%
police 6.16%
analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
source 3.33%
spokesman 3.05%
company 2.65%
expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
paramedic 0.01%
paramedic + v. >>共 117
arrive 15.09%
treat 12.38%
say 11.80%
be 6.58%
rush 4.06%
take 3.48%
try 3.29%
find 2.32%
have 1.93%
revive 1.74%
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