1.   A stylish, silver-plated tray, complete with a six-month supply of paper doilies, for all those credit card transactions?

2.   Huge snowflakes began to fall, floating like paper doilies to the forest floor.

3.   Maybe atop a paper doily.

4.   The whole thing sat on a large paper doily, on a cake stand borrowed from a friend.

5.   Two young matrons at the next table spoke in confidential tones, their half-empty wine glasses resting on paper doilies and nickel-plated trays.

n. + doily >>共 2
lace 58.33%
paper 41.67%
paper + n. >>共 742
towel 17.17%
bag 6.54%
company 3.90%
mill 2.74%
cup 2.59%
product 2.57%
ballot 2.53%
price 2.38%
plate 1.88%
industry 1.46%
doily 0.11%
每页显示:    共 5