1.   Panic swept the city after the earthquake.

2.   A sudden panic swept across me.

3.   Had panic swept through the passenger cabin, maybe no one would have survived.

4.   Israel has been swept by panic since the chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq said last month that Saddam had enough biological weapons to wipe out Tel Aviv.

5.   Panic swept the area and hundreds of people fled in panic.

6.   Panic has swept through eastern Zaire as Tutsi rebels, known as Banyamulenge, advance into new territory in the border region in the heart of Africa.

7.   Panic swept through eastern Zaire on Saturday as fighting between Tutsi rebels and Zairean troops closed in on the provisional capital of Bukavu, fanning fears of further bloodshed.

8.   Panic swept through eastern Zaire on Saturday as Tutsi rebels advanced into new territory in this border region in the heart of Africa.

9.   Panic has swept through eastern Zaire as Tutsi rebels, known as Banyamulenge who are fighting the Zairean government, advanced into new territory in this border region.

10.   Panic has swept through several camps in the area and most people were heading north to escape the violence.

n. + sweep >>共 620
fire 6.31%
storm 2.77%
wave 2.67%
wind 2.31%
water 2.05%
air 2.00%
police 1.95%
rain 1.95%
force 1.90%
rumor 1.80%
panic 0.67%
panic + v. >>共 111
be 31.99%
spread 6.25%
grip 5.70%
set_in 5.51%
break_out 4.78%
sweep 2.39%
ensue 2.21%
subside 2.02%
erupt 1.84%
begin 1.65%
每页显示:    共 13