1.   Some agonists, for example acetylcholine, in pancreatic islets activate a specific phospholipase in the plasma membrane.

2.   At the National Institutes of Health, scientists have coaxed mouse embryonic stem cells to assemble into hormone-producing clusters of pancreatic islet cells.

3.   - Attempts to modify the immune system to prevent rejection of transplanted pancreatic islet cells to treat diabetes.

4.   For Roger Sims, waiting out in Seattle for a new kidney and pancreatic islets, it was a chance to identify with his beloved Yankees as an underdog.

5.   McKay has also developed a recipe for turning embryonic stem cells from mice into the miniature organs known as pancreatic islets.

6.   Moore said the same principle was being followed by doctors who had developed a technique for transplanting pancreatic islets from cadavers into patients.

7.   Pancreatic islets that contain insulin-producing cells have been transplanted into diabetic patients and successfully engrafted to produce insulin.

8.   Research continues on transplanting pancreatic islet cells for the same purpose.

a. + islet >>共 69
rocky 17.95%
disputed 13.46%
uninhabited 12.50%
barren 8.01%
aegean 5.13%
tiny 5.13%
small 4.49%
pancreatic 2.56%
outlying 1.92%
contested 1.60%
pancreatic + n. >>共 58
cancer 51.53%
enzyme 4.24%
secretion 4.00%
cell 3.53%
lysosome 3.29%
tissue 2.35%
duct 2.12%
tumor 1.88%
function 1.88%
pseudocyst 1.88%
islet 1.88%
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