1.   As we talked, his quick fingers wove palm fronds into thatch like the roof of his hut.

2.   Peter and Rhonda had built their house out of posts, planks and palm fronds.

3.   The walls were made of stripped palm fronds, closely woven and tied with hemp to the wooden uprights.

4.   What seemed unusual, in this landscape of tropical mountains, was the combination of pine trees, cacti and palm fronds.

5.   When his dear, weary head appeared under a palm frond I could have leaped for joy.

6.   The palm fronds shrugging on the promenade.

7.   And several smaller crosses, one made of palm fronds and pierced through with a Drug Enforcement Agency pin.

8.   As the innkeeper, he occupied a makeshift registration desk beneath a bow of palm fronds.

9.   As the waves roll in, crashing rhythmically onto the shore, palm fronds sigh like lovers in the evening breeze.

10.   Blanco had been tortured, shot and buried in a shallow grave covered by palm fronds and branches.

n. + frond >>共 15
palm 77.31%
fennel 5.88%
fern 4.20%
banana 2.52%
shield 1.68%
bottom 0.84%
bracken 0.84%
cedar 0.84%
coconut 0.84%
dill 0.84%
palm + n. >>共 111
tree 57.19%
frond 10.50%
leaf 3.31%
print 3.20%
branch 2.40%
grove 1.83%
reader 1.37%
olein 1.03%
computer 1.03%
rest 1.03%
每页显示:    共 92