1.   This is not to say that all history paintings depict nudes.

2.   A classic Chinese landscape painting does not depict an actual place.

3.   A painting by Rembrant depicts a thief executed for stealing a coat being used for an anatomy lesson.

4.   A vast painting depicts their moment of triumph as Boabdil hands over his paradise on earth.

5.   He explains why the items pictured reflect the era the painting depicts.

6.   On the walls inside, faded paintings depict the prophets, the Virgin Mary and the enthroned Christ.

7.   One painting depicted an angel having sex at an altar.

8.   One painting depicted Jesus Christ healing the sick in the temple in Jerusalem, and the second was of King Charles II.

9.   Paintings depicted railroads cutting through the wilderness, spectacular mountains in the background, stumps of trees in the foreground.

10.   Selected from the U.S. Air Force Art Collection, the paintings gloriously depict American jets having just deployed their bombs on Iraq.

n. + depict >>共 299
film 6.71%
painting 5.06%
movie 2.59%
ad 2.00%
scene 2.00%
mural 1.88%
photo 1.76%
artist 1.65%
show 1.65%
drawing 1.53%
painting + v. >>共 221
be 41.66%
depict 3.76%
have 3.67%
hang 3.49%
show 2.62%
come 1.83%
go 1.83%
become 1.40%
sell 1.31%
seem 1.14%
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