1.   Hitler expected a short campaign but, like Napoleon before him, was taught a painful lesson.

2.   And Bill Gramatica received a painful lesson, on when not to jump for joy.

3.   And for several Latin American mutual funds, they have offered a painful lesson in making too big a bet on a single country.

4.   As the league has grown exponentially, coaching and scouting have become a painful lesson in micro-management.

5.   Ask Thomas Hearns, who learned that painful lesson when Leonard, the boxer, turned puncher, in their first bout nearly two decades ago.

6.   But for the buyers of those shares, it was a painful lesson, and not an isolated one.

7.   But she views her experience with the Steinger brothers as a painful lesson.

8.   Cemetery visitors here identified with the Kennedys for offering the painful lesson over the years that all families must persevere in the face of suffering.

9.   For the sinking of Barings contains painful lessons.

10.   For most on that team, the proverbial Olympic dream turned into a painful lesson about lousy timing.

a. + lesson >>共 633
important 6.98%
valuable 6.06%
piano 4.13%
hard 3.64%
first 3.31%
private 2.42%
flying 2.27%
english 1.71%
good 1.71%
painful 1.68%
painful + n. >>共 774
memory 5.17%
experience 3.02%
reform 2.80%
process 2.26%
lesson 2.00%
reminder 1.93%
loss 1.42%
past 1.16%
decision 1.09%
position 1.02%
每页显示:    共 55