1.   You can partially relieve muscles sore from coughing by giving simple pain medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

2.   Pain relieving medicines such as aspirin or ibuprofen are used for headache, pain, and arthritis.

3.   But Dr. Russell Portenoy, chairman of pain medicine and palliative care at Beth Israel Medical Center in Manhattan, said there was a downside.

4.   By early that afternoon, Peter was sleeping deeply in his hospital room, tubes and wires connecting him to various intravenous pain medicine and nutrients.

5.   Currently, the authors say, such patients are subjected to many needless procedures, and are not given enough pain medicine.

6.   Dietitians and doctors who specialize in pain medicine said they hoped that private insurers would follow the example set by Medicare in recognizing the value of their services.

7.   Doctors there prescribed mild pain medicines including Tylenol, but nothing brought relief.

8.   He began taking pain medicine, properly prescribed, after the farm accident.

9.   He was given some pain medicine and released.

10.   Higher doses of pain medicines can be given.

n. + medicine >>共 188
prescription 15.97%
cough 4.99%
heart 4.79%
pain 4.79%
flu 2.79%
asthma 2.59%
allergy 2.59%
lifesaving 2.00%
cancer 1.60%
arthritis 1.60%
pain + n. >>共 136
medication 14.09%
reliever 11.52%
relief 10.96%
killer 10.51%
management 4.36%
pill 3.02%
treatment 2.80%
medicine 2.68%
signal 2.57%
threshold 2.46%
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