1.   Cigarette makers had long relied on package warning labels as a defense from lawsuits by smokers who claimed they were not told about tobacco hazards.

2.   Galanthus elwesii bulb sources may be on the package label or on the display box.

3.   If planning on a nicad system read the package labels to see how long the recharge time is.

4.   Louise Preston watches what she eats, reading package labels carefully to check the fiber, whole grain and sugar content in her morning bowl of cereal.

5.   More than half of products contained too much fluoride, they found, although parents would never know this because package labels say nothing about fluoride concentrations.

6.   Nonetheless, Hoechst Marion Roussel, the manufacturer of Seldane, added a warning to package labels in May advising people not to take the pill with grapefruit.

7.   Pfizer argued during the meeting that Cardura was safe and that its package label should not be changed.

8.   So read package labels or recipe ingredient lists carefully and buy or bake accordingly.

9.   The package labels suggest that the sausage and the cheese, combined, contain less saturated fat than a Spaulding tennis ball.

10.   Which is bad news for those dieters trying to cut down on the calories they consume by counting the Calories on food package labels.

n. + label >>共 322
music 7.13%
product 6.61%
food 5.32%
nutrition 3.11%
address 2.59%
wall 2.46%
package 1.82%
beer 1.82%
rap 1.82%
indie 1.56%
package + n. >>共 212
direction 19.15%
bomb 7.03%
name 4.85%
module 4.61%
instruction 3.39%
structure 3.27%
delivery 2.67%
service 2.55%
manager 2.30%
holiday 2.30%
label 1.70%
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