1.   Hence, there is increased oxygen delivered to tissues for a given hemoglobin oxygen saturation.

2.   The arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate of all patients were monitored by pulse oximetry before and during the procedure.

3.   Comparison of mean arterial oxygen saturation between the groups showed significantly higher levels in the nasal oxygen group throughout the procedure.

4.   Pulse rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and a Holter cardiac trace were monitored before, during, and for one hour after the gastroscopy.

5.   Although supplemental oxygen during gastroscopy significantly improved oxygen saturation, there was no correlation between oxygen saturation and any electrocardiographic changes.

6.   There has not, however, been adequate assessment of whether improving the oxygen saturation reduces the incidence of arrhythmias.

n. + saturation >>共 19
oxygen 28.57%
market 27.27%
medium 11.69%
cholesterol 9.09%
water 3.90%
color 2.60%
blood 1.30%
core 1.30%
hemoglobin 1.30%
information 1.30%
oxygen + n. >>共 177
tank 11.92%
generator 11.73%
level 8.14%
supply 6.24%
canister 3.97%
system 3.97%
atom 2.74%
deprivation 2.27%
saturation 2.08%
bottle 1.89%
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