1.   Antifreeze is ethylene glycol, and it metabolizes into oxalate crystals in the kidneys.

2.   This destroys the calcium oxalate crystals in the leaves.

3.   Doctors also found what appeared to be calcium oxalate crystals, but needed further tests to confirm it.

4.   It contains microscopic needle shaped formations of calcium oxalate crystals and can make the plan very unpalatable without long cooking.

5.   It contains microscopic, needle-shaped formations of calcium oxalate crystals and can make the plan very unpalatable without long cooking.

n. + crystal >>共 67
ice 38.33%
sugar 6.17%
protein 3.96%
calcium 3.08%
snow 3.08%
cholesterol 2.20%
oxalate 2.20%
diamond 1.76%
iodine 1.76%
magnetite 1.76%
oxalate + n. >>共 4
crystal 62.50%
diester 12.50%
formation 12.50%
stone 12.50%
每页显示:    共 5