1.   By the end of the decade the majors had secure ownership rights to crude oil only within the OECD area.

2.   And sorting out various ownership rights in Asian companies is complex.

3.   Any researcher would retain ownership rights on new discoveries they make using the cells.

4.   A lot of this has to do with the paucity of new musicals that would allow performers first ownership rights to memorable roles.

5.   A third also said they support the National Rifle Association, which promotes gun ownership rights.

6.   Conservation easements, which retain ownership rights, are voluntary agreements between a landowner and a conservation organization or governmental agency to permanently restrict the use of land.

7.   Give Cuban some time to sort through ownership rights and wrongs, while taking his bruises, and then judge him a year or two down the road.

8.   GM created the Class E shares so holders could bet on the performance of EDS without voting or direct ownership rights.

9.   If a significant number of them wish to reclaim their gun ownership rights, he indicated, the courts could be deluged.

10.   In fact, this latest project may lead the Media Lab into even more uncharted territory regarding ownership rights and the free dissemination of ideas.

n. + right >>共 1333
abortion 17.98%
property 9.80%
minority 2.88%
television 2.67%
privacy 2.19%
land 2.00%
labor 1.84%
visitation 1.39%
free-speech 1.31%
worker 1.27%
ownership 0.86%
ownership + n. >>共 203
group 11.78%
stake 8.32%
structure 5.77%
rule 5.60%
right 4.86%
limit 4.20%
restriction 4.20%
interest 4.12%
change 3.79%
dispute 2.97%
每页显示:    共 59