1.   And then there was the question of what would happen to the employees in an ownership change.

2.   Bartels said Westin will continue to be headquartered in Seattle as it has through four ownership changes.

3.   A recent cartoon in The Journal-Constitution heralded the ownership change by depicting a fan purchasing nails, paint and a toilet seat at a stadium concession stand.

4.   Cal has an out clause after this year ... Speaking of the Nets, we asked Keith Van Horn what he thought of the ownership change.

5.   Del Monte has gone through several ownership changes in recent years.

6.   Even bigger ownership changes took place by Jaunary.

7.   He had to withstand an ownership change, from Ross Perot Jr. to the volatile Mark Cuban.

8.   He survived an ownership change in Dallas and tinkered and tinkered with his roster until he found the right mix.

9.   I hope they never know what five coaches is about or all the ownership changes.

10.   I got lost in the shuffle, I guess, what with the ownership change and everything.

n. + change >>共 1062
climate 8.09%
rule 6.48%
policy 6.11%
name 4.09%
management 3.45%
personnel 2.30%
tax 1.93%
lineup 1.68%
price 1.58%
rate 1.54%
ownership 0.58%
ownership + n. >>共 203
group 11.78%
stake 8.32%
structure 5.77%
rule 5.60%
right 4.86%
limit 4.20%
restriction 4.20%
interest 4.12%
change 3.79%
dispute 2.97%
每页显示:    共 46