1.   Many wholly owned subsidiaries are originally founded by the parent for some special purpose.

2.   Monster Motorsports will remain a wholly owned subsidiary.

3.   Garrick Investments Ltd holds its interest through its wholly owned subsidiaries, Tygon Investments Ltd and Jaguar Investments Ltd.

4.   All bargains are registered and settled at the London Options Clearing House a wholly owned ISE subsidiary.

5.   Domestic trades are cleared by the European Stock Options Clearing Corporation, a wholly owned EOE subsidiary, which guarantees contract obligations and holds margins.

6.   Consent is not required of the shareholders of any company which is a wholly owned subsidiary.

7.   Amati will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Dallas-based TI.

8.   And Crown Center Redevelopment Corp., a wholly owned subsidiary of Hallmark Cards Inc., would be the target of lawsuits.

9.   And in December, Star TV, a wholly owned subsidiary of News Corp., was given a license to open a representative office in Shanghai.

a. + subsidiary >>共 379
owned 13.64%
wholly-owned 7.60%
new 4.53%
separate 3.26%
german 3.26%
american 2.83%
local 2.63%
overseas 2.48%
foreign 2.34%
former 1.85%
owned + n. >>共 258
subsidiary 25.18%
company 9.98%
home 4.05%
unit 3.69%
land 3.42%
business 2.34%
newspaper 1.35%
utility 1.35%
enterprise 1.17%
building 1.17%
每页显示:    共 278