1.   An oversight board would solicit bids from private plans, asking them how much they would charge to cover participants.

2.   Andersen has already created a special oversight board with broad powers, and asked a former Federal Reserve chairman, Paul A. Volcker, to lead it.

3.   Another proposal during earlier rounds of settlement talks was requiring the Microsoft board to create an independent oversight board that would report to the Justice Department.

4.   As envisioned, the oversight board would better shape the agenda and the code of conduct for the profession and conduct special reviews of practices when needed.

5.   Before it became law Friday, the bill spent much of Thursday tied up by a last-minute dispute over a provision concerning creation of the oversight board.

6.   Beyond the coupon issue, several politicians endorsed broader reforms, from establishing an independent oversight board to limiting the number of sales agents in poor neighborhoods.

7.   A private investment manager selected by a state-appointed oversight board would invest the money, and the earnings would be put in the account.

8.   A television industry oversight board headed by Valenti will periodically review those ratings.

9.   A third reform plan, passed in April by the GOP-led House, would create an oversight board with very limited powers.

10.   But Consumers Union spokesman David Butler said Congress should pass the Senate bill to ensure that the oversight board has real power.

n. + board >>共 733
safety 6.45%
review 5.64%
message 5.43%
currency 4.71%
leader 4.33%
parole 3.78%
management 2.61%
cricket 2.16%
control 2.12%
oversight 1.99%
oversight + n. >>共 52
committee 21.34%
board 20.75%
panel 7.31%
body 5.34%
role 5.34%
authority 4.94%
hearing 4.94%
responsibility 4.55%
agency 2.96%
commission 2.37%
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