1.   The contract in many ways represents the changing nature of overseas military operations.

2.   The overseas operations of Wang have not filed for bankruptcy.

3.   As we have extensive overseas operations, particularly in the USA, there can also be exchange effects when we consolidate our results, assets and liabilities into sterling.

4.   Differences on the translation of the net assets of overseas operations are adjusted against retained profits.

5.   They are a useful alternative for small companies whose overseas operations are limited, not warranting the expense of direct involvement.

6.   A manufacturer can delegate some or all of his overseas operations to an export house or he may delegate parts of the actual selling task to the export house.

7.   Lack of resources to carry out overseas operations by the manufacturer.

8.   Among them are cable networks such as CNBC and extensive overseas operations.

9.   And American investment banks are gearing up their overseas operations to help buyout firms acquire companies abroad.

a. + operation >>共 1080
military 10.21%
peacekeeping 4.68%
special 2.08%
day-to-day 2.01%
joint 1.73%
international 1.64%
major 1.20%
new 1.11%
normal 1.00%
overseas 0.97%
overseas + n. >>共 896
market 12.48%
investor 4.23%
sale 3.32%
investment 2.54%
operation 2.46%
trip 2.40%
earnings 2.26%
ballot 2.16%
buyer 1.57%
worker 1.37%
每页显示:    共 170