1.   These should fit into the well of the recessed window and have a flange which overlaps the edge of the well.

2.   Arrange the slices in the baking dish, overlapping edges so the slices fit in the dish.

3.   Fold toward center, overlapping edges slightly.

4.   If the corner is not perfectly straight, it may be necessary to overlap the edges slightly to avoid gaps.

5.   Overlap edges of slit to seal.

6.   Starting from outside rim and working toward center, arrange pepper slices in concentric circles on top of cheese filling, overlapping edges.

v. + edge >>共 387
have 30.50%
lose 5.56%
take 4.22%
get 3.07%
hold 2.96%
gain 2.92%
give 2.92%
maintain 1.34%
trim 1.30%
reach 1.10%
overlap 0.24%
overlap + n. >>共 84
slice 9.32%
edge 5.08%
first 2.54%
claim 2.54%
one 2.54%
part 2.54%
area 1.69%
layer 1.69%
dialogue 1.69%
molding 1.69%
每页显示:    共 6