1.   Detrol is proven effective to treat overactive bladder.

2.   Drugs that are effective against overactive bladder are known as antimuscarinic agents because they hook up with muscarine receptors in the bladder and other organs throughout the body.

3.   However, most patients with overactive bladders have already cut back on the amount of fluids they consume, and some actually become seriously dehydrated.

4.   Most important in arriving at a correct diagnosis of an overactive bladder is obtaining a thorough history of urinary symptoms and eliminating other possible causes.

5.   The ad attempts to shame me into begging my doctor for a new drug called Detrol to control a perfectly human condition hyped as overactive bladder.

6.   When a person with an overactive bladder loses control, the entire bladder is likely to empty at once.

7.   The biggest sales jump was for Detrol and Detrusitol, related drugs for overactive bladder that have been heavily promoted in recent television ads.

8.   The company also reported strong sales of Detrol, which treats overactive bladders, and the sleeping pill Ambien.

9.   The others are Xalatan for glaucoma, heavily advertised Detrol for overactive bladder, Camptosar for colorectal cancer and the growth hormone Genotropin.

a. + bladder >>共 49
ruptured 12.99%
overactive 11.69%
full 5.19%
small 3.90%
leaky 2.60%
artificial 2.60%
involuntary 2.60%
human 2.60%
shy 2.60%
weak 2.60%
overactive + n. >>共 17
imagination 31.37%
thyroid 19.61%
bladder 17.65%
cell 3.92%
libido 3.92%
area 1.96%
cerebrum 1.96%
circuit 1.96%
condition 1.96%
detrusor 1.96%
每页显示:    共 9