1.   Heat a large ovenproof saute pan over medium heat.

2.   Heat the olive oil in an ovenproof saute pan until almost smoking.

3.   In a large ovenproof saute pan or other ovenproof pan with a lid, heat the oil over high heat until it is hot but not smoking.

4.   In a large ovenproof saute pan or other ovenproof pan with a lid, heat the oil over high heat until hot but not smoking.

5.   In a large nonstick ovenproof saute pan, heat canola oil over medium-high heat.

6.   In a large ovenproof saute pan or other ovenproof pan with a lid, heat the oil over medium-high heat until hot but not smoking.

7.   Large ovenproof saute pan with tight-fitting lid.

a. + saute >>共 25
large 43.65%
small 10.50%
medium 8.84%
nonstick 8.84%
heavy 6.63%
ovenproof 3.87%
quick 3.31%
oven-proof 1.66%
simple 1.66%
copper 1.10%
ovenproof + n. >>共 14
dish 31.31%
skillet 18.18%
casserole 14.14%
saute 7.07%
pan 6.06%
platter 6.06%
plate 5.05%
bowl 3.03%
saucepan 3.03%
handle 2.02%
每页显示:    共 7