1.   Alternatively, to cook in a conventional oven, place the chicken and mushrooms in an ovenproof dish.

2.   Arrange in an ovenproof dish and put slices of hardboiled egg on top.

3.   Drain and arrange in an ovenproof dish.

4.   Place the carrots and swede in an ovenproof dish.

5.   Roll up each piece of fish and put into an ovenproof dish, pour over the Marinade and dot with the butter.

6.   Slice the cooked potatoes and arrange in layers in an ovenproof dish.

7.   Transfer the mixture to an ovenproof dish and arrange the potato slices over the top.

8.   Tip the onions and oil into a large ovenproof dish.

9.   Arrange in an ovenproof dish.

10.   Arrange wings in rows in single layer in shallow ovenproof dish or pan.

a. + dish >>共 728
baking 9.91%
serving 4.00%
shallow 3.64%
main 2.45%
traditional 2.15%
small 1.76%
dirty 1.58%
prepared 1.52%
chicken 1.49%
vegetarian 1.37%
ovenproof 0.93%
ovenproof + n. >>共 14
dish 31.31%
skillet 18.18%
casserole 14.14%
saute 7.07%
pan 6.06%
platter 6.06%
plate 5.05%
bowl 3.03%
saucepan 3.03%
handle 2.02%
每页显示:    共 31