1.   The President outlined his agenda for the next term.

2.   At a press conference last week in Sacramento, the California chamber outlined its agenda for the state.

3.   Clinton sought to press the bipartisan spirit of cooperation from the Republican-led Congress as he outlined his agenda for this fall.

4.   He needs to outline his agenda and reach out to different communities.

5.   He went on to outline an agenda that would, under the best of circumstances, occupy several mayoralties.

6.   In the House, Gingrich has yet to outline an agenda for the new Congress.

7.   Knott said the leadership wants to give committees more input into policy-making by allowing them to outline their agenda in advance.

8.   The office rarely outlines his agenda in advance.

9.   The Small Business Administration outlines its agenda for the next fiscal year.

10.   The United States would also specify a schedule for beginning political negotiations on a final settlement and outline the agenda.

v. + agendum >>共 257
top 17.86%
set 14.05%
have 8.39%
dominate 3.34%
push 2.56%
discuss 2.56%
prepare 1.71%
outline 1.71%
advance 1.71%
pursue 1.63%
outline + n. >>共 492
plan 14.64%
proposal 3.42%
strategy 2.62%
step 2.15%
policy 2.11%
view 1.90%
case 1.86%
position 1.81%
vision 1.77%
way 1.56%
agendum 0.93%
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