1.   The rebels ousted the dictator from power.

2.   A case in point is Indonesia, where an economic collapse ousted a dictator but then plunged the country deeper and deeper into chaos.

3.   Bush had hoped to be welcomed as the liberator who ousted a dictator, Manuel Antonio Noriega.

4.   The great goal of the Bay of Pigs invasion was to spark an internal Cuban revolution that would oust dictator Fidel Castro.

5.   Pope John Paul II left out large parts of his prepared speech when he addressed the U.N. General Assembly, including a call to oust Third World dictators.

6.   Angolan forces also intervened earlier this year to help Kabila oust longtime dictator President Mobutu Sese Seko in a seven-month battle for power.

7.   Both countries were important backers of Kabila in his eight-month drive to oust longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.

8.   But Rwanda later fell out with Kabila whom it had backed in a rebellion to oust dictator Mobutu Sese Seko.

9.   It was the third time the government of President Laurent Kabila has faced mutinous soldiers since ousting longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko in May.

10.   Kabila has ruled with an iron fist since he ousted dictator Mobutu Sese Seko from the former Zaire last year, and has alienated ethnic groups that helped him.

v. + dictator >>共 92
oust 17.29%
topple 9.35%
overthrow 7.48%
support 3.27%
depose 2.80%
include 2.80%
back 2.34%
praise 2.34%
take 1.87%
try 1.87%
oust + n. >>共 222
government 10.06%
president 9.02%
leader 4.74%
dictator 4.28%
rebel 4.05%
force 3.12%
troop 2.54%
member 2.54%
champion 2.31%
seed 2.08%
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