1.   Each station is to be individually questioned, and an original deadline to provide information by August has been extended to October.

2.   A spokesman said Cerberus was considering giving the trust an extension from the original deadline of next Tuesday to decide.

3.   His office denied Israeli television reports that he had ordered the troops withdrawn by the first of June, five weeks ahead of his original deadline.

4.   His original deadline was a week.

5.   If the Supreme Court rules against him and holds that the original deadline for vote returns in Florida was binding, Gore said he would not criticize the court.

6.   It was not even clear that the military was capable of seizing Grozny after the original deadline elapsed.

7.   Now, most analysts concede that the original deadlines will not hold.

8.   Palestinians have demanded Israel abide by the original September deadline for completing the West Bank troop redeployments.

9.   Republican state legislators also filed a brief with the Florida court urging it to drop its earlier ruling and impose the original deadlines for the manual counts.

a. + deadline >>共 353
trading 14.12%
new 7.58%
tight 4.08%
self-imposed 3.77%
filing 3.35%
original 2.30%
missed 2.25%
first 1.73%
specific 1.41%
looming 1.41%
original + n. >>共 1186
plan 2.84%
version 1.30%
owner 1.27%
idea 1.04%
bill 1.01%
proposal 0.94%
design 0.89%
form 0.84%
dance 0.84%
name 0.78%
deadline 0.36%
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