1.   Then we were orientated towards the front of the room whereupon further orientation took place.

2.   These courses are strongly orientated towards industry and professional practice.

3.   Some nationalities are culturally orientated towards a standards and systems approach to operations and feel unhappy in their absence.

4.   The operation of the mail system is wholly automatic and orientated towards the convenience of LIFESPAN users.

5.   Operation of the Mail System is wholly automatic and orientated towards the convenience of LIFESPAN users.

6.   In the US, in contrast, exchanges are more orientated towards domestic retail business, and this encourages more extensive government supervision.

7.   He indicated that the enquiry may be orientated towards eastern Europe.

8.   Policy for interest rates had to be orientated towards a further reduction of inflation and avoidance of the creation of inflationary expectations, he said.

9.   Siemens is the biggest producer of technical medical equipment in the world and is orientated particularly towards electronic medicine and methods of diognosis and treatment.

10.   Swiss monetary policy would continue to be orientated towards price stability.

a. + towards >>共 157
moving 20.16%
hostile 4.71%
sympathetic 3.66%
inclined 3.14%
orientated 3.14%
negative 1.83%
friendly 1.83%
tolerant 1.83%
antagonistic 1.57%
disposed 1.57%
orientated + p. >>共 4
towards 80.00%
around 6.67%
to 6.67%
toward 6.67%
每页显示:    共 12