1.   Hooper noted with concern that another, less toxic organophosphate pesticide was being recommended as a replacement for grasshopper control.

2.   The report urged a ban on organophosphate pesticides, which are highly acute nerve toxins.

3.   Under the chemical review, restrictions were placed on some other organophosphate pesticides last summer.

4.   Wildey believes the problem is escalating because of resistance to pirimithos-methyl and other organophosphate pesticides.

5.   Exposure to organophosphate pesticides is also suspected.

6.   Scientists have failed to agree on the causes of the illnesses, although some people believe they were triggered by vaccines or exposure to organophosphate pesticides.

7.   The EPA took similar action to phase out another widely used organophosphate pesticide, Dursban, earlier this year.

8.   Veterans were angered last month when the ministry said it had only recently learned the full extent of the use of organophosphate pesticides during the Gulf War.

a. + pesticide >>共 161
chemical 8.05%
toxic 6.61%
natural 4.60%
dangerous 3.74%
agricultural 3.45%
spraying 2.87%
used 2.30%
organophosphate 2.30%
synthetic 2.01%
new 2.01%
organophosphate + n. >>共 6
pesticide 61.54%
chemical 7.69%
family 7.69%
group 7.69%
insecticide 7.69%
poison 7.69%
每页显示:    共 8