1.   An AFL-CIO questionnaire for candidates in city council races to Congress asks whether they will back organizing drives.

2.   And other organizing drives are under way.

3.   As a class, doctors historically have viewed themselves as professionals, distinctly different from the blue-collar workers who generally are the targets of labor organizing drives.

4.   As a penalty, it said rival unions can mount new organizing drives to challenge AMFA after six months, rather than the customary two years.

5.   Avondale, which beat back organizing drives in decades past, insists that unionization would hurt it by pushing up production costs and causing it to lose contracts.

6.   Before the organizing drive began, the film asserts, dancers were routinely fired and non-white dancers were routinely discriminated against.

7.   A Cornell University study found that many U.S. firms have used NAFTA to defeat union organizing drives by threatening to move jobs to Mexico.

8.   Administrative office workers also are currently conducting an organizing drive at the company.

9.   Airline organizing drives are difficult because a union must win the support of a majority of an employee group company wide, rather than at a single location.

10.   Businesses have often undercut organizing drives by litigating for months about how many sites should constitute a bargaining unit.

a. + drive >>共 1064
hard 20.20%
long 4.21%
short 2.47%
first 1.97%
new 1.90%
fund-raising 1.53%
floppy 1.47%
final 1.42%
scoring 1.40%
anti-corruption 1.22%
organizing 0.76%
organizing + n. >>共 194
committee 46.99%
effort 5.40%
drive 4.38%
principle 3.47%
group 2.14%
campaign 1.94%
election 1.73%
protest 1.33%
attack 1.02%
meeting 0.92%
每页显示:    共 43