1.   According to precedents set by the court, Milosevic could be convicted even if it is not proved that he ordered atrocities.

2.   But Botha, the highest-ranking apartheid official to appear before the Truth Commission, stopped short of blaming apartheid government leaders for ordering atrocities.

3.   But those who ordered the atrocity in St. Petersburg may have miscalculated greatly.

4.   It provides grounds for prosecuting senior officers responsible for planning and ordering atrocities rather than the troops who carried out the orders.

5.   It provides grounds for prosecuting senior officers responsible for planning and ordering atrocities rather than focusing only on the troops who carried out their orders.

6.   Milosevic and four senior aides have since been indicted by the Yugoslav war crimes tribunal for ordering atrocities against ethnic Albanians.

7.   Milosevic and four senior aides have also been indicted by the war crimes tribunal for ordering atrocities against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

8.   Milosevic and four senior aides have since been indicted by the U.N. war crimes tribunal for ordering atrocities against ethnic Albanians.

9.   Milosevic recently was indicted on crimes against humanity and war crimes charges for ordering atrocities against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

10.   Milosevic recently was indicted on crimes against humanity and war crimes charges for ordering atrocities in Kosovo.

v. + atrocity >>共 129
commit 37.91%
investigate 5.75%
prevent 3.10%
carry 2.51%
report 2.36%
stop 1.92%
denounce 1.77%
condemn 1.77%
order 1.77%
blame 1.62%
order + n. >>共 1617
investigation 4.64%
arrest 2.40%
killing 2.29%
release 1.93%
inquiry 1.87%
evacuation 1.80%
attack 1.62%
halt 1.26%
test 1.19%
murder 1.16%
atrocity 0.13%
每页显示:    共 12