1.   Huge orb weaver spiders hung from webs strung across the aerial roots of mangroves inches from my head.

2.   Micron for micron, the silk of the golden orb spider is stronger than steel and more elastic than rubber.

3.   Once he reaches a new web and finds a mate, however, life for the male golden orb spider becomes rosier.

4.   A golden orb spider patrols a magnificent circular web in the window.

n. + spider >>共 18
orb 13.33%
black-widow 10.00%
funnel 10.00%
web 10.00%
do 6.67%
size 6.67%
tarantula 6.67%
baby 3.33%
cartoon 3.33%
house 3.33%
orb + n. >>共 7
spider 28.57%
weaver 28.57%
web 14.29%
hang 7.14%
photograph 7.14%
silk 7.14%
speaker 7.14%
每页显示:    共 4