1.   Alternatively, you may decorate the cookies while orange icing is still wet with sprinkles, sugar crystals or other cookie decorations.

2.   Drizzle orange icing over bread.

3.   Fill decorating bag with more orange icing.

4.   Use a thin paintbrush to completely coat each snake with a liberal amount of orange icing.

5.   When orange icing has dried on snakes, pipe black stripes horizontally on each cookie.

a. + icing >>共 84
royal 37.39%
white 6.69%
remaining 5.47%
chocolate 3.65%
brown 2.74%
green 1.82%
black 1.82%
pink 1.82%
orange 1.52%
spare 1.52%
orange + n. >>共 763
juice 23.03%
peel 3.88%
zest 2.66%
grove 1.84%
tree 1.75%
glow 1.69%
flame 1.63%
slice 1.49%
jumpsuit 1.46%
march 1.31%
icing 0.15%
每页显示:    共 5