1.   ...an oral agreement.

2.   In any case, the problems of proving the terms of an oral agreement can be insurmountable.

3.   An oral agreement during the summer allowed Hair to redshirt.

4.   An oral agreement?

5.   An oral agreement is the traditional way to retain staff.

6.   Are oral agreements made in marriage enforceable after the divorce, if the agreements were not part of the divorce settlement?

7.   Baranan said in an telephone interview Friday that he had reached an oral agreement with a buyer for the nursing home but declined to identify the prospective new owner.

8.   Before the days of electronic publishing, many magazines bought articles simply on the basis of oral agreements.

9.   But he did not deny that there was some sort of oral agreement on a centrifuge.

10.   During interviews in Spain, two players said they had oral agreements with Paniagua for representation before coming to high school in the United States.

a. + agreement >>共 609
new 6.29%
final 4.68%
tentative 3.61%
international 3.27%
bilateral 2.98%
licensing 2.61%
similar 2.56%
such 1.91%
preliminary 1.54%
formal 1.52%
oral 0.36%
oral + n. >>共 289
argument 20.48%
commitment 5.60%
vaccine 4.03%
agreement 3.34%
rehydration 2.25%
medication 2.25%
drug 2.12%
surgeon 2.12%
cancer 2.05%
health 1.84%
每页显示:    共 49